Visual artist, environmental planner and Junior Professor for Arts and Research at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Alexandra Regan Toland is dean of studies and junior professor for arts and research at the Bauhaus University Weimar, where she directs the PhD program in art and design. She earned her MFA from the Dutch Art Institute (DAI) and a doctorate degree in landscape planning from TU-Berlin as a DFG fellow in the Perspectives of Urban Ecology Graduate Research Group. Alex has held lectures and published on topics of art and environment, especially in the context of soil protection issues, air pollution, and urban ecology. She co-chaired the German Soil Science Society’s (DBG) Commission on Soils in Education and Society from 2011 to 2015, and since 2022 is IUSS chair of the Commission on the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Soil Science. In her artistic practice, Alex explores social and cultural issues of urban soils, vegetation, and air in the Anthropocene. In her free time, Alex is a beekeeper, vermicomposter, forager, forester, and mother of two.