Vallejo is an agroecologist, a farmer and land-defender devoted to rescuing, preserving and teaching long-forgotten farming techniques of the Amazon region. His farm-lab “La Jungla Amazonica'' is an open-air classroom and archive of life, where trains  fellow farmers in various forms of permaculture and self-reliance based on indigenous agriculture. Currently, Vallejo is forming a network for the exchange of local seeds and vegetables with the aim to promote food-sovereignty and fight back poverty in a region that has been hit by violence, extractive economies, colonial agricultural models and ecocide. His farm, located in the outskirts of Mocoa is a two-hectare natural sanctuary where plants are given space to reveal their own self-sustaining and regeneration capacities.

Tierra Selva Foundation and Community Nodo de Pensamiento Aandinoamazonico.
Farm-lab Jungla Amazonica. Mocoa, Putumayo. Colombia