Join us this week in Rome!
Interspecies Love
Panel with Monica Gagliano, Wanuri Kahiu, Bo Zheng
Curated and moderated by Yvonne Volkart
As part of Kinship In Transformation
Art-Science series
28 May 2024, 4 – 8 pm,
Istituto Svizzero, Rome

The narratives of kinship, love and networks of care are deeply rooted in the respective social structures and cultural systems. In the Western world and beyond, the definition and ideas of these concepts are closely tied to a capitalistic and heteronormative social structure that has furthered the maintenance of privileges for some, and the persistence of inequalities for others. The event Kinship In Transformation invites artists and researchers, such as Laura Tripaldi, among others, coming from different disciplinary backgrounds and artistic practices, to share their reflections and work, opening to alternative narratives about kinship and love that can nourish fresh perspectives.

How can we think about kinship in new terms and acknowledge its myriad possible forms and always changing nature? And thinking beyond human relations, what can the realm of interspecies relations tell us?

The panel Interspecies Love is part of the event Kinship In Transformation. Interspecies Love is a cooperation of Istituto Svizzero and the Institute Art Gender Nature HGK Basel FHNW, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF.

Image: Zheng Bo, Le Sacre du printemps, 2021 – 2022