WEEDS AGAINST ECOCIDE. The Amaranth Struggle

The story “Weeds against Ecocide - the Amaranth Struggle” sets its plot in the fields of transgenic agriculture and the struggle that the own plants are engaging with. Against the backdrop of the ecocide produced by the toxic transgenic crops, the story digs into the agency of the “resistance weeds”, and focuses on the irruption of one of them, the Amaranth weed, that insists to return and resist. Within the battle field amid the “40-3-2 Roundup Ready Soy”, a plant genetically modified in the laboratories of Monsanto’s corporate science (today Bayer), and the millenary Amaranth, the story inquires: How could we conspire with plants in order to struggle together against the ongoing ecocide of transgenic agriculture?

Crossings, (Re)memberings (Re)groundings, Archive & HKW, Berlin, 2022