This project brings to light the life of plants at night, crisscrossing layers of invisibility to capture the subtle and often sub-visible relations maintained between plants and other forest beings while in darkness. The aim of the project is to render visible the ways in which plants come to know the world and how they use such knowledge to form biochemical vegetal territories full of mystery and mutuality (via light absorption, signalling and low light emissions that attract insects, reveal competition and mutuality with other forest beings).

This video and photo series was made using full spectrum photography and video, as well as induced UV Fluorescence techniques. It took place on the banks of the Tambopata River in Madre de Dios region in the Peruvian Amazon in late 2022. The area is a living seed bank, and a hugely important buffer zone where endangered Amazonia plants and trees are given space and time to thrive. However, during the gold mining rush in Madre de Dios of the last decade, and the desperation of conservation experts, scientists and Indigenous communities trying to mitigate the damage caused by deforestation and mercury poisoning of soils, air and rivers, plant teachers like Bobinzana are again called upon to teach us plant-led remediation and worlding.