With its Parliament of Plants exhibition in 2020–21, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein spotlighted a set of momentous issues facing current society. Parliament of Plants II continues this discussion.
The exhibition Parliament of Plants II gives a voice to plants. It testifies to a new view of these beings, which are inextricably linked with our own survival. Over the past decades, a paradigm shift has been taking place in the sciences regarding our perception of plants, one that is also reflected in the exhibition's artworks. Following on from Parliament of Plants (2020–21), the show develops a network of cooperations in a range of different disciplines, with guest contributions in the form of 'inserts'.

Parliament of Plants II demonstrates the principle of symbiosis as a societal counter-image to the parasitic handling of nature. New insights regarding the world of plants feature alongside the knowledge of Indigenous cultures, questions pertaining to colonial and contemporary history, the handling of resources or our perception of time. The crucial question is: how can we achieve a symbiotic coexistence in which human and non-human beings can learn from each other?

The exhibition included two inserts, the project Plants_Intelligence. Learning like a Plant was one of them. We presented a work-in-progress state of our ongoing project through different media, like video, drawing, photography, and text.

Insert II: Plants_Intelligence. Learning like a Plant

The research project on show here, Plants_Intelligence. Learning like a Plant, sets out to widen the debate about plant knowledge and to harness it to social, ecological and ethical behaviour by collaborating closely with representatives from a variety of fields of knowledge.
Research team: Yvonne Volkart (head), Felipe Castelblanco, Julia Mensch, Rasa Smite.
Participating artists: Felipe Castelblanco, Julia Mensch, Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits. 

5.5. – 22.10.2023
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein

1Photography: Stefan Altenburger, Zürich
2Photography: Stefan Altenburger, Zürich
3Rasa Smite, Team Plants_Intelligence
4Rasa Smite, Team Plants_Intelligence
5Rasa Smite, Team Plants_Intelligence
6Photography: Stefan Altenburger, Zürich