Birgit Schneider is professor for Knowledge Cultures and Media Environments in the Department of European Media Studies at the University of Potsdam, Germany. She studied art and media studies as well as media art and philosophy in Karlsruhe, London and Berlin. After initially working as a graphic designer, she worked from 2000 to 2007 at the research department "The Technical Image" at the Humboldt University in Berlin, where she received her doctorate. Since 2009, she has been researching in the context of fellowships at the European Media Studies Department of the University of Potsdam as well as in Munich, Weimar and Cambridge, UK. Her current research focuses are images and perceptions of nature, ecology and climate change, diagrams, data graphics and maps as well as images of ecology. She is founder of the working group Eco Media: Media of Nature, co-speaker of the Network Digital Humanities of the University of Potsdam and a member of the research group Sensing. On the knowledge of sensitive media and Weather Reports. Wind as Medium, Model and Experience. Publications: “The Technical Image” (Cambridge 2015); “Image Politics of Climate Change” (Bielefeld 2014), “Klimabilder” (Berlin 2018). “Der Anfang einer neuen Welt. Wie wir den Klimawandel erzählen ohne zu verstummen” (2023). She recently published the platform

Re-Imagine Climate
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